W02 WIDP English Adult Operating System


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Below you will find a WIDP Adult English Profile and below that a partial questionnaire.

You will immediately see the powerful benefits of this profile in a clinical, professional, or personal setting.

Profile for Alice Doe

Social Profile.

Good social skills; strong ability to interact well with all types of people. Flexible; can adapt easily to solitude or moderate interaction with people. Content and comfortable with or without social interaction. Strong need to maintain a peaceful, non-demanding lifestyle. Excellent ability to be content with whatever situation she encounters; tends to accept the status quo in life. Conservative in her attachments and expectations of people. Low energy reserve; chooses to expend available energy on tasks, not relationships. Strong need to avoid fatigue; much of her behavior may be directed toward meeting this need. Needs a quiet lifestyle and structured daily routine.

Friendly and sociable; genuinely likes people. Free from compulsive needs, fear of rejection, low self-esteem and other barriers to relationships. Avoids extensive social interaction; people tend to drain her energy. Maintains attitude of non-involvement in life; usually prefers to be a spectator instead of an active participant. Rarely initiates social interactions or friendships, but readily participates when invited. Usually depends on others to initiate and maintain relationships with her. Faithful and committed to friends and coworkers.

Confident and self-contained; satisfied with her abilities and accomplishments. Secure in believing her own opinions and perceptions are correct. Maintains a practical approach to life and people. Despite her ideas and abilities, may be an underachiever because of the need to protect her energy reserve; may seem unconcerned about reaching her potential in life. Calm and complacent; rarely introspective; good self-esteem and self-image.

Calm and stable, even under pressure. Usually perceived as friendly and understanding; finds humor in most situations. Ability to relate well to people, including hostile or difficult personalities. Diplomatic; a natural negotiator; often brings objectivity and peace into troubled situations. Skilled in helping people resolve conflicts but avoids personal involvement in any conflict situation. Non-assertive and non-confrontive; uses her excellent verbal skills, especially sarcastic humor, as a defense.

Compassionate and understanding of others; empathetic listener. Usually accepting of people; patient; willing to assist and encourage. Views others positively; tolerant of their faults and mistakes. Needs recognition and appreciation for her efforts. Avoids over-involvement in the lives and activities of others; maintains some distance even in close relationships. May become critical of those who attempt to change or control her.

High intellectual abilities. Carefully gathers facts and considers options before making a decision; rarely changes her mind once she has formed an opinion. Objective; practical; highly self-disciplined. Excellent ability to identify problems and inequities; inspires others to develop solutions.

Emotionally stable; usually cheerful and calm. Avoids extremes of emotional expression; uses her sense of humor as a defense. Not prone to moodiness or depression. Experiences strong emotions but does not express them easily. Rarely becomes angry or experiences "hurt feelings." Usually avoids confrontation; tries to maintain peace in every situation. May become anxious or fearful when faced with change, or when people place excessive demands on her. Also, may feel anxiety in conflict situations, even if she is not directly involved.

Task-oriented rather than people-oriented. Well-organized approach to tasks. Accurate and precise in her work; perfectionistic about details. Can handle routine or tedious assignments efficiently. Slow and steady work pace, producing consistently good results; may be exhausted by the end of the day. Disciplined and efficient; draws her good self-concept from successful work performance. Good ability to relate to people for short time periods; ideal career involves tasks, not people. Willing to accommodate coworkers; readily assists when asked. Adapts well to those in authority. Can be a capable leader, but often does not seek leadership roles; may prefer to work independently or as part of a team. Needs reassurance from others before assuming responsibilities. Conservative in her approach; unlikely to take risks. Functions best in a stable, controlled work environment. Her calm style brings harmony to her work area; provides stability to teams composed of varied work styles. May procrastinate when faced with decision-making. Can be stubborn and resistant to change, even if the changes will bring improvement.

Self-motivated; needs to be convinced intellectually before taking action. Strong desire to avoid conflict or change. Seldom motivated by outside influences to change; may change her behavior to avoid conflict (punishment) or achieve peace (reward).

Usually does not fear rejection or need acceptance by others. Does not take rejection personally. Good ability to make people feel accepted; rarely uses rejection against others.

Leadership Profile.

Very independent. Desires minimal influence and control over people's lives and behavior; resists attempt by others to control her life. Prefers to avoid assuming responsibility and making decisions; may be strongly influenced by a fear of failure. Strong need to appear competent and avoid criticism. Good leadership abilities; functions well in familiar areas of responsibility. Avoids assuming new responsibilities until she feels comfortable with them.

High need for privacy; rarely initiates friendships. Fear of rejection prevents her from becoming involved with people. Allows herself to become vulnerable only with carefully selected people; loyal and committed to the few people she chooses for friends. Drawn to people with similar high needs for independence. Dependable; quick to make sacrifices for her friends; willing to become involved in humanitarian causes that benefit mankind. Tends to evaluate others intellectually rather than emotionally; values those who share her logical and rational approach to life. Avoids conflict in interpersonal situations. Tends to resist the leadership of domineering people; avoids aggressive people.

Although intellectually gifted and talented in many areas, may be hindered by low self-esteem and fear of rejection. Tends to be introspective and self-critical. May endlessly analyze her behavior and perceived faults. Frequently focused inwardly on her thoughts rather than outwardly on people or events. May feel inferior in comparison to others. Perfectionistic; may set impossible standards for herself and become depressed when she fails to attain them. May doubt her ability to excel in new areas of responsibility; avoids or resists the unknown to avoid making mistakes. Confident in familiar areas of responsibility; needs to be permitted to assume new responsibilities at her own pace.

Projects an image of competence and confidence; adept at hiding her insecurities; fears criticism and making mistakes. Can be friendly and outgoing with people who have earned her trust. Although compassionate and sensitive to people's needs, her logical outlook may convey the impression that she is cold or indifferent. May be perceived as unfriendly; a loner. Careful and precise in her communications; has difficulty with small talk or casual conversations. Reluctant to share her knowledge with others, especially in large groups.

Because of her fear of rejection, she may be suspicious of people's motives; may project her own negative self-perception onto others. Usually evaluates their words and behavior to determine if she is being rejected; may become silent or withdraw if she perceives rejection. Values people with good intellectual abilities, especially those who share her highly analytical approach to decision-making. Relates best to authority figures who are her intellectual equals or superiors. Non-assertive even when her opinion is correct; avoids interpersonal conflict and aggression. May apply her own high standards to others; can become critical of those who fail to measure up.

Intellectually gifted; a creative thinker; may score in the genius range on intelligence tests. Unlimited capacity to acquire new knowledge and skills. Logical and analytical in her approach to life; views life as a series of tasks to be performed. Collects data before making decisions or beginning new tasks. Very observant of people and her environment. Constantly thinking, evaluating, questioning. Mentally sees vivid, detailed pictures; can be very creative. If she controls her thoughts, can be highly productive and maintain a positive attitude. If her thoughts are uncontrolled, she may experience emotional mood swings. May often mentally relive negative events.

Compassionate and empathetic toward others, but reluctant to share her emotions. Emotionally guarded; may equate emotional expression with loss of control. May tend to be moody and pessimistic; may struggle with depression. Often feels anger at herself or others but internalizes rather than expresses it. May allow anger to build over a period of time, then explode over a minor situation. Tends to hold grudges and mentally plan vengeance against the offender. Can become anxious if required to interact with people frequently or for extended periods of time; also may feel anxiety if deprived of daily quiet time alone. May become anxious if criticized; strong need to avoid making mistakes. Experiences stress if another person is her sole responsibility, or if people pressure or attempt to control her.

Task-oriented rather than people-oriented. Analytical; approaches tasks in a logical, organized manner. Can visualize projects from start to finish; works tirelessly to achieve goals and meet deadlines. Outstanding ability to maintain quality control in work setting; views quality as more important than quantity. Perfectionistic; checks work down to the smallest detail to ensure that it is error-free; rarely satisfied with the results. Self-disciplined; works well independently; resists authoritarian leadership. Gathers facts before making decisions, to avoid making mistakes; may appear indecisive at times. Excellent leadership ability in familiar areas of responsibility. Needs to gather and evaluate data before moving into unknown areas or responsibilities. Prefers not to take risks; will procrastinate or rebel if pushed into unfamiliar areas before she feels competent. May perceive certain authority figures as demanding; will rebel to avoid being controlled. Functions well in a structured daily routine.

Independent and self-motivated; needs to perform well to meet her personal high standards. Strong-willed; can be stubborn. Usually not motivated by the promise of reward or the threat of punishment. May have a strong fear of economic failure; this can be a primary self-motivator in the workplace.

Severe fear of rejection; avoids people and situations that cause her to feel rejected. Concerned about appearing incompetent. Draws self-esteem from the accuracy and pragmatic application of her work; can become defensive if criticized or corrected.

Relationship profile

Needs to express and receive moderate amounts of love and affection in close relationships. Balanced needs; expresses realistic amounts of love to others; does not need frequent assurances of love. Usually content with a few close relationships. May expect the other person to expend more effort than she does, to maintain the relationship and initiate expressions of love. Strong need to maintain a peaceful, non-demanding lifestyle. Excellent ability to be content with whatever situation she encounters; tends to accept the status quo in life. Conservative in her attachments and expectations of people. Low energy reserve; may choose to expend available energy on tasks, not relationships. Strong need to avoid fatigue; much of her behavior may be directed toward meeting this need. Prefers a quiet lifestyle and structured daily routine.

Friendly and sociable; genuinely likes people. Free from compulsive needs, fear of rejection, low self-esteem and other barriers to relationships. Avoids extensive social interaction; people tend to drain her energy. Needs a predictable routine in her life, including her close relationships. Prefers quiet time at home instead of participation in social events. Maintains attitude of non-involvement in life; usually prefers to be a spectator instead of an active participant. Rarely initiates social interactions or friendships, but readily participates when invited. Usually depends on others to initiate and maintain relationships with her. Faithful and committed to friends and loved ones.

Confident and self-contained; satisfied with her abilities and accomplishments. Secure in believing her own opinions and perceptions are correct. Maintains a practical approach to life and people. Despite her ideas and abilities, may be an underachiever because of the need to protect her energy reserve; may seem unconcerned about reaching her potential in life. Calm and complacent; rarely introspective; good self-esteem and self-image. Confident that she is loved and accepted by those close to her.

Calm and stable, even under pressure. Usually perceived as friendly and understanding; finds humor in most situations. Ability to relate well to people, including hostile or difficult personalities. Diplomatic; a natural negotiator; often brings objectivity and peace into troubled situations. Skilled in helping people resolve conflicts but avoids personal involvement in any conflict situation. Non-assertive and non-confrontive; uses her excellent verbal skills, especially sarcastic humor, as a defense. Her loved ones may feel neglected at times, wanting more attention and expressions of love than she can give.

Compassionate and understanding of others; empathetic listener. Usually accepting of people; patient; willing to assist and encourage. Views others positively; tolerant of their faults and mistakes. Needs recognition and appreciation for her efforts. Avoids over-involvement in the lives and activities of others; maintains some distance even in close relationships. May become critical of those who attempt to change or control her.

High intellectual abilities. Carefully gathers facts and considers options before making a decision; rarely changes her mind once she has formed an opinion. May procrastinate when faced with decision-making; prefers shared responsibility. Objective; practical; highly self-disciplined. Excellent ability to identify problems and inequities; inspires others to develop solutions. Well-organized; accurate and precise in her work. Conservative in her approach to life; unlikely to take risks.

Emotionally stable; usually cheerful and calm. Avoids extremes of emotional expression; uses her sense of humor as a defense. Not prone to moodiness or depression. Experiences strong emotions but does not express them easily, even in close relationships; difficulty verbalizing her love for others. Rarely becomes angry or experiences ""hurt feelings."" Avoids confrontation; tries to maintain peace in every situation. May become anxious or fearful when faced with change, or when people place excessive demands on her. Also, may feel anxiety in conflict situations, even if she is not directly involved.

Self-motivated; needs to be convinced intellectually before taking action. Strong desire to avoid conflict or change; can be stubborn and resistant to change, even if the changes will bring improvement. Seldom motivated by outside influences to change; may change her behavior to avoid conflict (punishment) or achieve peace (reward).

Usually does not fear rejection or need acceptance by others. Does not take rejection personally. Good ability to make people feel accepted; rarely uses rejection against others. Does not deliberately reject loved ones, but her lack of involvement can be perceived by them as rejection.

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