W03 English Youth (Ages 6 - 16) Operating System


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Below you will find a partial WIDP Youth English (Ages 6 - 16) questionnaire and below that various samples of portions of the WIDP English profile.

You will immediately see the powerful benefits of this profile in a clinical, professional, or personal setting.

WIDP Youth English Operating System



# 1. Example Introduction Page for Billy Bob Jones Profile

Welcome to the exciting world of Worley's Identity Discovery Profile (WIDP) Software Program and the book "INSIDE INSIGHT" all about WIDP.

This WIDP temperament report provides a comprehensive identification of the individual's needs, desires, and interpersonal behaviors in three fundamental areas of life. First, unlike personality tests that merely describe social "masks" and behaviors, WIDP additionally identifies inner needs, "The Real Person Behind the Mask." This is where WIDP provides insight that other behavioral and personality profiles do not offer. Second, WIDP reveals the individual's demonstrated behavior toward others (objective behavior), and, third; their desired behavior from others toward them (subjective behavior) is identified. This is revolutionary in the development of an individuals' psychological framework of temperament, character, personality, and behavior.

WIDP consists of detailed assessments in the following life areas:

Social interaction/career needs
Leadership Profile................leadership/achievement/recognition needs
Relationship Profile..............emotional/personal relationship needs

WIDP gives you a picture of the total person's needs, desires, probable behaviors, and potential conflicts. WIDP will increase the individual's self-understanding, maximizing the potential for a fulfilled and balanced life. By developing their unique strengths and minimizing weaknesses, they can enjoy tremendous success in interpersonal relationships at work, at home, and socially.

The following detailed temperament assessments also indicate the individual's need to function as an introvert or an extrovert in the three living areas. Not only is this information valuable for positive interpersonal relationships, but it also is an integral part of successful career placement, conflict resolution, team building, leadership development, new employee placement, and sales development.

WIDP enables you to quickly assess the individual's strengths and weaknesses, target potential conflicts, and develop sound strategies for growth in employment or personal relationships.

# 2. Example Social Profile for Billy Bob Jones

The Adult Social Profile identifies general social orientation. In addition, this profile outlines the individual's needs and desires for friendships, work/career associations, and other casual relationships. By comparing the Social Profile with the individual's current life situation, you can target conflict areas and help the individual achieve a comfortable level of interpersonal contact in the work or social environment.

The Social Profile should be applied only to the individual's casual social/career contacts. To determine the individual's needs and desires in close personal relationships, please consult the Relationship Profile.




# 3. Example Social Profile Sub-categories for Billy Bob Jones

SOCIAL NEEDS AND DESIRES: Good social skills; outgoing and personable; strong ability to interact well with all types of people. He appears to desire more social contact than he wants; uses his social skills to select a few close friends. May have many casual acquaintances. Flexible; can adapt quickly to solitude or moderate interaction with people. Strong need for accomplishment; may choose activities and friendships that will assist him in attaining goals, not for purely social reasons. Low energy reserve; may expend available energy on tasks instead of social activities. He tends to place relationships secondary in importance to his needs for achievement. He prefers to be in control of his own life and destiny.

CRITERIA FOR FRIENDSHIPS: Friendly and sociable, but selective in choosing friends. Achievement-oriented rather than people-oriented. Tends to develop relationships to help accomplish personal goals. Maintains his mental criteria for friendships; he may choose people who can easily influence, especially those who can assist him—drawn to people who recognize and appreciate his accomplishments. May have high expectations of others. Usually avoids over-involvement in people's lives and activities; at times may assume the role of observer rather than active participant.

PERCEPTION OF SELF: Optimistic; self-confident; high opinion of his abilities. Good self-esteem and self-image. Secure in believing his thoughts and perceptions are correct. Maintains an attitude of competence; usually has an answer or solution to problems. Sets high personal goals. Organizes every area of his life toward achieving these goals; takes deliberate, well-planned actions. He can adapt his behavior to circumstances and fill any role he feels is necessary for achievement. Maybe self-protective because of low energy reserves; maintains an attitude of non-involvement in many aspects of life. Rarely introspective; he may view himself only from a positive perspective.

PERCEPTION BY OTHERS: Calm and stable, even under pressure. Usually perceived as friendly and understanding; finds humor in most situations. Can relate well to hostile or difficult personalities. Projects image of stability and competence. He can be blunt and outspoken; at times may be tactless in his dealings with others. Can assist others in resolving conflicts, although he will not become involved himself. Uses his excellent verbal skills, especially sarcastic humor, as a defense.

PERCEPTION OF OTHERS: Task-oriented; may have limited understanding of people's needs and desires. Usually evaluates others logically rather than emotionally; maintains an objective and realistic view of life. Self-reliant; tends to distrust people's motives. May become impatient with people who do not meet his high standards of performance; can seem demanding of others. Values productive, task-oriented people; may dominate less aggressive people. Independent; maintains some distance even in close relationships.

INTELLECTUAL ORIENTATION: High intellectual capabilities. Easily envisions projects; sets and accomplishes realistic goals. Perfectionistic. Objective; practical; self-disciplined. Ability to make quick, intuitive decisions; rarely changes his mind once he has formed an opinion. Strong-willed in implementing decisions.

EMOTIONAL ORIENTATION: Optimistic; rarely discouraged. Disciplined in emotional expression; does not usually acknowledge or show deep emotions. Uses his sense of humor as a defense. May react with frustration if pressured or if people do not meet his expectations. He can be quick-tempered; may express his anger through sarcastic humor. May internalize resentment and carry grudges. He tends to fear losing control of people and situations in his environment.

WORK ORIENTATION: Independent. Task-oriented rather than people-oriented. Disciplined and well-organized; highly committed to excellence in his work. Determined and persistent in completing projects; not discouraged by obstacles. A practical approach to work; perfectionistic; steady, productive work pace. May be reluctant to delegate to others; he often prefers to work alone. Excellent leadership abilities and problem-solving skills. Resists authoritarian managers; may procrastinate if pressured. Most productive when permitted to work independently, in control of his schedule and activities.

MOTIVATION: Self-motivated by his need for achievement, motivated by the promise of recognition for his accomplishments, and seldom motivated to change by outside influences. If threatened with punishment, may respond with anger or sarcasm. Can be stubborn when pressured to change.

# 4. Example Leadership Profile for Billy Bob Jones

The Adult Leadership Profile identifies the individual's ability to provide leadership, make decisions and assume responsibilities. In addition, this profile outlines the individual's needs and desires for independence, achievement, and recognition. Since Leadership needs and desires are expressed through socializing with people, the Leadership Profile should not be evaluated alone. It should be interpreted with either the Social Profile or the Relationship Profile.

Evaluated together, the Leadership Profile and the Social Profile help determine the individual's career needs. By comparing the results with the individual's current employment situation, you can target conflict areas and help the individual maximize career skills.

The Leadership Profile and the Relationship Profile are evaluated together to determine the individual's independence dependence needs in close relationships. By comparing the results with the individual's current life situation, you can target conflict areas and help the individual enhance relationships.



# 5. Example Relationship Profile for Billy Bob Jones

The Adult Relationship Profile identifies the individual's preferences for emotional involvement and shared affection on a one-to-one basis. In addition, this profile outlines the individual's needs and desires for dynamic sharing and relationships. For most people, the Relationship Profile is the dominant pattern that influences behavior in the Social and Leadership areas.

By comparing the Relationship Profile with the individual's current life situation, you can target conflict areas and help the individual meet inner needs that are not being met.



# 6. Example Summary of POTENTIAL Weaknesses for Billy Bob Jones

Summary of POTENTIAL weaknesses:

1. Moody; tendency to be depressed; pessimistic.
2. Indecisive; fears making mistakes.
3. Introspective; self-centered, and self-critical.
4. Critical; high expectations of people; impossible to please.
5. Sensitivity to hurt and rejection.
6. Introverted; tends to be a loner; suspicious of people.

# 7. Example Summary of PROBABLE Strengths for Billy Bob Jones

Summary of PROBABLE strengths:

1. Intellectually gifted; creative abilities.
2. Analytical; detail-oriented; perfectionistic.
3. Self-sacrificing; diligent; works tirelessly to achieve goals and meet deadlines.
4. Disciplined and organized; precise in communications.
5. Faithful in relationships; committed and dependable.
6. Sensitive and compassionate toward people.